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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day 12. Laguna Beach to Encinitas. 51 miles.

An eventful day which started with nae breakfast as at 8.00am the diner across the road from the motel was not open. We decided to start riding anyway as the road was busy, would become busier and for the next 8 miles have no shoulder or bike lane.  By contrast at the end of our day, the cycle signs were stating ' cyclists may use full lane'.  We ate a good breakfast about 11.00am, felt fine. Our route travelled 10 miles through Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Reservation, at the gate marines checked our passports and asked our business. Very interested and friendly. Apparently at one time you could pass freely through this massive base but since 9/11 security has been tightened considerably. We could hear the ' thump' of  mortar or tank fire in the distance. We felt our progress was being monitored the whole time. Found a motel easily enough and had time to hit the beach and enjoy the surf. The surf, I suppose, was relatively small but was oh so powerful, could knock you over and with a strong undertow. Lifeguard tower was making sure surfers stayed clear of swimmers, sea was warmish and I just loved it. Tomorrow is our last cycling day as we are now in San Diego County, don't want it to end.

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